Saturday, October 30, 2010

Out with the old and in with the new...

I have been farming and homesteading for over a decade now.  The farm has been in my family for over 230 years now, I am the 7th generation to be blessed with this beautiful place to live.

Farming and being a steward of the land has redefined me as a human being.  I have done lots of jobs in life and experienced a great deal of lifes best adventures.  I have worked as a diver and SCUBA instructor, a teacher, a carpenter, and an EMT...but none of those things is as rewarding as living in such a beautiful place as the farm... and being a farmer.  The way I now look at the world and society is based upon what I have experienced as a farmer and steward of the land.  I care for my livestock as if they were family and for my land as if it were my own Mother...for the livestock are more than family, they will feed me, sustaining my own life...and the land is my Mother, Mother Earth, and she sustains my life just as I care for her.

The place I live and the lives around me are a part of who I am, just as I am a part of their lives, we are facets of a whole.  We are always striving to better ourselves and the world around us...